Tag Archives: Interview

Interview with Rebecca Berzett

Rebecca Berzett is a good friend of my mom’s who she used to work with. Her daughter’s are also some of my best friends so I know her through them. I chose to use Ms. Rebecca as my interviewee because she works at Ann Taylor part-time, which is a retail clothing franchise, and sells hair products to salons as her full-time job. She also keeps her whole family healthy by eating healthy foods and exercising. I asked her a few questions, so here are her answers.

1. What do you think is an “in” style or trend for this spring/summer? How has that changed from last year?

“Soft pastel colors instead of vibrant ones last year. I think mixing patterns is a big thing, too. For example, mixing floral pants and striped shirts. Also, short hair. Bobs and a-line short and sassy hair is cute. Colors are more toned down and pale.”

2. What do you think is a color that looks good on almost anyone? Why?

“Cream, definitely. Because there are so many variations with natural palettes. It also doesn’t wash you out like a white would.”

3. What is a tip you have for people who are trying to eat healthier?

“Exercise. Watch your calorie intake and don’t eat past 8 pm.”

4. What major things do you limit yourself from?


5. What are some essential items in your closet?

“Undergarments like good fitting bra, a light shirt for casual and formal wear, a nice pair of navy or black slacks, a pair of non-scuffed mid black heels, a watch, a large handbag and a small clutch, and a nice pair of sunglasses.”

6. What is a good food to eat to be healthier?

“Almonds, because they give you more protein and make you fuller faster.”